Letter from Marge Ciccone Dorne to Helen and Ray after 60th Anniversary Party
We celebrated Helen and Ray’s 60th Anniversary at Art’s house in April 1998 (invitation below). Uncle George, Aunt Pat, and many of our Saunders cousins were in attendance. Also there was George and Marge Ciccone Dorne, who is Jada’s younger sister. My parents loved her and she wrote a beautiful note after the event. Also below is a picture of Aunt Marge and some of the Mahony brothers and sister Barb taken at Kathleen’s house. Pictured below from left: Steve, Art, Sean, Ray, Todd (or is that Waldo?), Todd’s son Matt.
Announcement of Jay and Laura’s wedding
Enjoy this note from Laura about the wedding ring she wears today:
“I do not know if you know this, but my wedding ring is Nana Betty’s wedding ring. It is a simple white gold band with little flowers stamped on it. Jada gave it to Betty at their wedding in 1942. My mom saved it, although I never knew. She showed it to me when I was shopping for a wedding band. Of course, I prefered Betty’s ring to anything I could buy! and it just happened to complement my engagement ring. So, 60 years after Jada and Betty wed, Jay gave me Betty’s ring during our ceremony in New Jersey. I remember showing the ring to Uncle Ray in San Diego and he really loved that I wear it.”
Beautiful Photo of Laura
Some great photos of the Gardner family
Gerry, Mike, Carol, Laura with Patrick and PeteLaura with Pete and Patrick at Christmas time
Carol laying down the law!
Should Patrick and Pete be driving?
Photo of Gerry (second from left) with an assortment of Gardners. Let’s just say it was a few years ago!
Please enjoy these Ciccone family photos
Betty, Carol and Uncle Ray 1946
Classic photo of Ray Mahony, Sr and Carol
Carol and Kathleen ages 5 and 2
First communion for Carol with Betty, Jada, and Jada’s mom Caterina
Kathleen, Carol, Jada, and Betty around 1954
Carol, Betty, and Kathleen with special Christmas gift LizzieLizzie with her grandparents-Fanny and Ray Mahony. I think this photo of Lizzie tells us what we should be expecting from her in the years to come!
The Ciccone family in 1964 down the shore
Kathleen, Nana Mahony, Lizzie, Bompa, and Carol at Lavallette 1964
Bompa, Carol, and Nana at Carol’s HS graduation
Wedding day for Lizzie and Chuck