
Welcome to the Rafalowski/Juliano family page. Here is a summary of what you will find:

Dedication: Walt and Jay Rafalowski. On January 19, 1973 I met my future wife, Jan Rafalowski, at the Philadephia Airport. It was the start of a 40 year (so far!) relationship.  (The story of how we met is the subject of one of my blogs.)  The day Jan and I met was her dad’s 60th birthday. I met him that night and Jan’s mom the next evening. It was there that I started to learn about these two people, Walt and Jay, who would become my future in-laws. This page is dedicated to them and I’ll hopeful to have done  justice to their legacy. Despite a very humble start for both of them they were hard working, successful, devoted to their family, and fun to be with. Unfortunately, there is much less material available to share on this family page,  but I believe there is enough to establish an accurate  profile of these two wonderful people.

The Milestones, Family History, Photo, and Video sections highlight some of their accomplishments and history. The photo sections has a pictorial profile of Jan from birth through 2012. (Some may ask why Jan is subject to this special treatment to which I would reply: keep  your questions to yourself!)


Art Mahony

September 2012

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