
There are several people I would like to thank for their contributions to the development of this site.


Kevin Doyle: Kevin is a long time friend and co-worker who gave me the idea to develop the site. Over a beverage at a local establishment, I was explaining to Kevin that I had significant number of old family photos, documents, obituaries, newspaper articles, letters, videos, etc. and was struggling with a plan to memorialize this information. My initial plan was to place them on DVDs, make copies, and distribute them to family members. Kevin was excited about the project but knew immediately that DVDs was not the way to go. “You should do you own website” was his next statement. After a moment of thought I started to laugh: I thought he was busting me with that suggestion as I was noted at work as one on the low tech guys in a very high tech company. But he wasn’t. “You can memorialize and publish all the photos and documents with no limitation on viewership AND you can continue to add to it”. No more laughter. That meeting took place in early April and by the end of the month I had found a wonderful person to help me develop the site and we were on our way. So, thanks Doyle for the great suggestion!


Mary Lennon: Jan and I have known Mary for many years through hew friendship with our son Ryan. When I explained the concept to Ryan he suggested I contact Mary as she was doing website development for her living. I am glad I made that call. She is very knowledgeable, always flexible, and great to work with. Her listening skills and suggestions made the process enjoyable and productive. Early in the discussions she understood what I was trying to accomplish and made a personal commitment to getting it right. Thanks so much Mary!


Kerby Saunders: I refer to Kerby as my brother/cousin as he is very generous, has a big heart and happens to be one of my favorite people. From the first time I explained my plan for the site he was supportive and encouraging. He pulled together a shopping bag full of Saunders and Kaesemeyer memorabilia. Great stuff and a huge contribution to the Saunders page. Thanks K-man.


Lizanne Ciccone Gruber: Lizanne is my cousin and great friend and been supportive of the project from day 1. She assembled photos, letters, and narratives on the Ciccone family and placed them on a CD to make the process so much easier. In addition to providing great information her emails made me truly laugh out loud. Thanks my friend.


Carol Ciccone Gardner: Despite her full time work at NYU Carol manage to forward some great photos, letters, and documents. The only deal I made with Carol is that in return for some of the great items she provided I would sneak an occasional photo of her husband Gerry’s family onto the Ciccone page. Thanks Carol.


Special thanks to my wife Jan for her support. She always took time to check on the progress of the project and give some encouragement. As I have always said, I married up.


Finally, I want to thank my family members who responded to my requests for yearbook, wedding, and family photos. I know you’re all busy (well…most of you are busy!) so thanks for the help.


Art Mahony
September 2012

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