Bompa, Colin, and Bob’s Big Boy


It is sometime in the early 1990s and we (me, Jan, Ryan, Colin) are on vacation in San Diego visiting my parents (aka: Nana and Bompa). It’s a cold rainy day and we are finishing lunch at Bob’s Big Boy restaurant when Colin (about 7 years old) spots a Big Boy bobble-head doll. The doll is placed at eye level for a 7 year old in the display case where we check  out. (Well played Big Boy!) Colin becomes immediately obsessed with the doll and asks repeatedly for us to buy it for him. We decline but he doesn’t let up and goes into sulk mode (or as Bompa would say he was throwing a “snit”) as we head to the car.  In no way true to his character as these displays never phased him when he was in charge,  Bompa returns to the  restaurant and buys the doll which he then hands over to Colin. People have won the $200 million lotto with less excitement than Colin displays once he has the doll in hand. Colin and the doll remain inseparable for the remainder of our vacation and the doll makes it back to Jersey with the rest of us and resides for several years in Colin’s room without much fanfare.

Then, things change. A few years later we are back to SD for a visit which was wonderful but uneventful. On our way home Jan and I are informed that Colin (with some assistance from Ryan) has left the bobble-head in my parents refrigerator positioned behind some items so they will find it but not right away.  Not sure what inspired this but as they say “game on”.  So, we don’t hear a word about whether  the doll is discovered-just silence.  My folks come back a year later to visit. A couple weeks following  that  visit, Colin discovered the bobble-head in his sock drawer.  Here we go. For the next 15 years the doll makes more coast to coast trips than the Yankees. Colin’s aunts, uncles, and parents assist in placing the doll in my father’s pillow, drawers, jacket pockets, car, shed, etc. On the other hand, Bompa and several of my siblings (the same people assisting Colin)  help place the doll in Colin’s dorm room, gym bag, locker, helmet, etc.

One snafu occurred which put the doll out of action for close to a year: Denny, after a trip out to SD, calls up and says he just wants to stop by and say hello. I should have known immediately that something was up as Denny never just stops by to say hello. Anyway, he comes over and we chat, he uses the bathroom,  eventually leaves and I don’t think about it again. Many months later Mario  (our 3rd son-a subject for another story) comes down to dinner with the bobble-head which he found in his “stuff”. Denny must have placed the doll in an area occupied by both of the boys and went undiscovered. Colin takes the doll and places it back in service and off we go again.

In 2010 I’m on a short visit to SD after a business trip. My dad and I start to chat when we come up with a plan to get Colin big time. The plan is finalized and I head home, with the doll. I call Colin’s boss, Mike Gentile, at Ricoh and take him through the plan-he is a good guy and immediately on board. During one of the branches recognition meetings  Mike’s gets up front and asks Colin to join him. He goes into a speech about how Colin’s performance has been so outstanding that he is receiving a very special award. Colin’s been doing pretty well so he is totally buying into what Mike is saying. Finally, Mike opens a box and pulls out the bobble-head and presents to Colin. Colin now has to explain to his team the history behind the doll and acknowledge that his grandfather has gotten the better of him one last time. Mission totally accomplished. My father listens to me tell the story and couldn’t be happier. 

 The top photo has a note from my dad to Colin. It reads:

“If you think for one minute you can out guess me

than you have several things coming.

With kind regard,

your grand dad,

RL Mahony

PS  Watch your back boy!!

That was the last exchange. A few months later Bompa passed. The bobble-head sits on Colin’s night table now and for many years to come.







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