Fritzie and the lottery

It is October 0f 1963 and we are still going to Paul’s Diner after 9:00 mass on Sundays.  Our waitress every week is Fritzie  and she and dad have a great time kidding each other. (What was with dad and the waitresses?).  Didn’t know to much about Fritzie except that she was a single mom with a special needs kid and not exactly living the high life. She talks dad into sending money to Church in Suffern, NY for a monthly raffle. He’s been sending a few bucks every month for a year or two with no results. Halloween of ’63 dad gets a call from a guy who says he just won the monthly lottery. Dad hangs up on the guy thinking it was a prank. Maybe Mr. Marsden joking around. The guy calls back but now he realizes it’s for real and he just won $2300. I checked and $2300 in 1963 is worth $16,000 today. This came at a difficult time as dad had left his previous job and was working at Robert Glynn, Inc  in NY for a lot less money.  Mom and dad were very happy for the timely infusion of cash.

Fritzie and dad always joked that if he won he would give her $700 and if she won she would do the same. The following week after we finished eating dad paid the bill and we were on our way out. As we get to the door we hear Fritzie scream and run up to dad to give him a big hug. He had given her a $700 tip.

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