
As I began working on the site I had three basic objectives:
The first was to preserve and share family history and documents that have been saved over the last several generations. The goal was to find a way to organize and make available these documents that would maximize viewership and be easy to access. Developing a website  was the most logical path. But why? The simple answer is that over time many of these items would be lost and, in turn, the legacy they represent.  Regardless of which family or point in history you reference on the site several themes are recurring: they include love of family, country and heritage, hard work, perspective and humor, and commitment to community. The fact that we have these items after so many years states the obvious: that previous generations wanted to preserve and pass on their story. So, in effect, the first objective has been accomplished.

The second objective was to create a forum to allow current and future family events to be memorialized and shared. Weddings, births, graduations, promotions, and many other meaningful activities are taking place and the website offers an opportunity to easily and instantly share events with immediate and extended family. For now, items appropriate for the site can be submitted and posted quickly by simply sending a letter or email. (See the Tips to Use Website for procedure.) If the concept catches on we will look to other  family members (read: younger!) to administer the site. The accomplishment of this second objective will depend on those who visit the site and the level of participation.

Finally, in all honesty, this project was very personal for me. Over the last several years my father sent items to his children, as well as grand and great grandchildren. These  items included his toy truck collection, insulators which he and my mom collected, letters, coins, books, and family mementos that had little monetary value but had meaning to him. He often included a note that would say that he was hopeful that when they looked at these items from time to time in the years to come that they would think of him and know how much he loved and cared for them. He also expressed on many occasions how important it was to him and my mom for family members to stay in touch and help each other out when needed. Nothing made him happier than to hear stories of his grandchildren interacting or his kids communicating with each other or our cousins. If this website helps these things to happen than I know that I helped to honor a man who meant so much to me and so many others.

Art Mahony
September, 2012 

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