Unfortunately there is little in the way of Rafalowski and Juliano history, only some photos and documents.

Some photos of Walt and his family all taken between 1915 and the 1920s.

Walt at  2 years old with mother Anna.



Anna and Walt around 1918



Photo of Walt with Anna at a wedding around 1918.


Here is a photo of Walt’s family taken around 1919. Pictured are Walt, father Aleksander, sister Harriett, and mother Anna.

Here are a few Juliano photos. Sadley, we have no photos of the family when Jay and siblings were children.

This is the wedding photo taken at the marriage of Mildred “Millie” Juliano, Jay’s younger sister, and Sammy Campo. Sammy owned a popular restaurant in Chambersburg, also know as The ‘Burg, an Italian neighborhood in South Trenton. Jay is the Maid of Honor standing fourth from the left. Her two brothers Lou (Lucian) and Patsy (Pat) are back row also standing  second and seventh from the right.

Here is a photo of the Juliano siblings on the day brother Lou married Florence. Front row is Florence, mother Carmela, brother Lou. Standing is Jay, sister Mary, brother Pat, sister Millie and Rose. Missing is sister Jenny.

A photo of Walt, Jan and her grandmother Carmela around 1957.

Obituary for Carmela Secretario Juliano from 1962.

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